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Hey!!! Long time no see!


I want to give you an update on what’s happening with my life, my heart, and all things world race!!! 


There are 121 days until I launch! 121 days until new experiences and learning. But that also means 121 days left of comfort. 121 days left with my family and friends before I don’t see them for 9 months! It’s so wild to think that I will be giving a big ole, see you soon hug to my Mom, Dad, Hillary, Dylan, and Chandler in 121 days. 


But in 121 days I know what I’m walking into. I know that I’m walking into a group of men and women that desire the Lord. A group of people that slowly but surely are becoming okay with stepping out of their comfort zone. Men and women who know what it means to be patient. People who find the little joys in fundraising. Men and women that are so excited to foster new friendships. People who understand that having a servant’s heart is what the Lord desires. A group of people who will sleep on the floor so their friends can sleep in the bed for the night!!!! But I also know that we are going to see the worst sides of each other and love each other anyway because that is what the Lord calls us to do.


I met half of my squad in Texas this past weekend!!! A BIG glimpse into what living in a community is going to look like. Clothes all over the place and different sleeping arrangements every night! A world full of beautiful chaos! A world where that doesn’t bother anyone because we know that we have to adapt to our surroundings. When we leave the country this fall, we know it will be uncomfortable and scary. It’s something that we quite honestly can’t prepare for but we have to jump right in. At first, that made me nervous – really having no idea what to expect. But when I am called to something by the savior of the world, I don’t have to be sure, I don’t have to understand, I don’t have to question it. I know that He will guide me and hold my hand the whole time. He will walk me through the anxiety, the cold feet, the unknown, the heartache of many lasts and goodbyes these next 121 days, and forever after that. 


Here is my heart as I am in the car on the way to the airport to say goodbye to the people I am going to spend 9 months with. There are no words to describe how lucky I am to know them and walk this journey with them. 


See ya next time;)




4 responses to “121 Days”

  1. love you and your heart SO MUCH celia!!! i’m so thankful to know you. see you so so soon

  2. YES MAAM CEL!! ilu and I’ll see you in 43 days AH! but this is so true and so well said! YOUR RAD

  3. Celia, Your words: “We are going to see the worst sides of each other and love each other anyway because that is what the Lord calls us to do.” Wow. That’s wise and bold and brave! And hard enough to attempt that within a family of just 4, 5, or 6, or so …..but a family of around 40?! It will be beautiful – not perfect, often messy – but beautiful! I’m honored to watch (and read) it from afar and pray for each one of you! Only 24 days ’til training camp!