
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Since being accepted to go on the World Race Gap Year, there has been an immense amount of emotions. Feelings such as excitement, happiness, stress, and anxiety. No matter how I have felt or continue to feel, I remember to rest in the fact that He is still good. 

Over the past few weeks, I have realized how ironic it is that when I FINALLY said yes to the Lord’s plan, things started lining up exactly how they were supposed to. Watching things unfold in the way that the Lord wants them too has been one of the most thrilling experiences of my life.

Let me tell you, the people on my squad, are absolutely amazing. They are some of the most welcoming, whole-hearted, and loving people I have ever met. Being able to journey with them and getting to know their hearts on a deep level is something that I can’t wait for. Jesus radiates through them and it’s beautiful to watch.

Jesus continuously reminds me that it’s okay to take a break and to be still. Being still is something that I have struggled with for the past couple of weeks. Through fundraising, preparing my heart for my mission, and keeping up with school, I have felt extremely overwhelmed. However, through all of that, Jesus keeps reminding me that he is faithful to provide in every aspect of my life. He will never leave or walk away. The words he keeps putting on my heart are “Do you not think I’m faithful to provide?” and man do those words set me straight, every time. 

My mom reminds me, day in and day out, that things take time. As cheesy as it sounds, the saying “Life is a marathon, not a sprint,” has related to me more in the past month than ever before. However, more like “Fundraising is a marathon, not a sprint”…haha! So, here I am, learning to be still and allowing Jesus to prepare my heart for what the next few years has in store.  

Please know how abundantly grateful I am for all of your prayers and support. Continue to reach out if you want to chat, I would love to talk to you! I love you and am praying for you all!!

Forever His,



One response to “Learning to be Still”

  1. love this celia!! such a good reminder to slow down and ENJOY this time right now! living through so many “last…before the race” and trying to be PRESENT!! luv this & u